snowpocalypse (noun): more snow than you would ever need, or could imagine


It has been about a week since some serious snow hit the city of Boston (and surrounding area).  I must ask why it is still causing such commotion?  My commute is longer, there are no parking spaces, and people are scared to drive above 25 mph (... move your car).  But, lets think about this for a second, it's New England... as much as I hate the unpredictable weather I know there is always a chance for things to get a bit crazy.  The amount of snow that mother earth has blessed upon us is a bit more than expected   but I know we will all be complaining about the heat and humidity this summer...
For those of you in warmer places, I am happy for you that you do not have to battle with your neighbor for a parking space or spend countless hours getting stuck on a side street that no one saw fit to plow.
- Kay

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