Feel the Burn: Treadmill HIIT Workout


With revamping my life comes revamping my body.  I have been addicted to the gym lately. So addicted.  I love the way the gym makes me feel.  Theres something about the spending an hour or two completely alone, in the zone, blasting music that makes me feel like a professional twerker (ha!).  
When getting back into a workout routine I try to use my time wisely.  By working in HIIT workouts (high intensity interval training) into my routine I can burn optimal calories in a short amount of time without busting my knee or pulling a muscle I have never herd of.   
I do HIIT workouts on any cardio machine: the treadmill, stair master, elliptical, or cross trainer! 
Put on your favorite play list, watch an episode of your favorite show, and kill it! 
- Kay. 

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